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ResumeWriters.com Affiliate Program

Make more money with ResumeWriters.com!

The ResumeWriters.com affiliate program is one of the strongest and most lucrative affiliate programs in any industry. It's simple: host one of our many ads on your site. We pay you a percentage of every sale. Our affiliate program is tracked directly through our e-commerce system, and is authenticated by trusted, 3rd party software. The facts of the program are as follows:

  • We pay you 30% of every sale.

  • Our average sale is $188.

  • Our average payout per sale is $56.

  • You get an email notification of every sale and sales total.

  • Monthly reporting.

  • Monthly payment.

  • With only a handful of sales each month, the payout from our links could total more than all of your other affiliate memberships combined.

  • Even smaller sites routinely make $1,000s of dollars with us each month

We have a wide range of ads, which you can view at the bottom of the page.

Questions about the program? Please write [email protected]

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To join our affiliate program, simply fill out the form below. A representative will be in touch with you within 2 business days.

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